Sunday, 16 February 2014

                                             The Dangers of Asbestos: 
                               How Local Councils Will Police This "New" Danger
                                         To Deprive You Of Your Property
     If you believe this notice will not affect you as a homeowner, think again. The numerous Acts that were passed by the Labour Federal Parliament, included legislation on asbestos.

    If you want to sell your home or add renovations, a council "inspection" will of course be demanded. Finding "asbestos", is assured to be present in your home, as above article states, and your removal from the premises is assured. 

This legislation was enacted at Commonwealth level to "empower" local councils to condemn homes regarding asbestos, to get around the challenges and decisions of the High Court, that invalidatess "state Parliament" legislation. This was the reason why Tony Windsor was pushing for a S. 128 National Referendum Constitution 1901 (CACA 1901), to "recognise' local council "governments", because since 1988, they have NO CONSTITUTIONAL 1901  ESTABLISHMENT OR CONTINUANCE.

    The Constitutional 1901 recognition "failed to get up", because as John Howard pointed out, "the public will realise that if local councils arren't Constitutional, then the State Parliament's, who enacted and created them can't be Constitutional either", (or words to that effect). The very pushy foreigners who now call themselves Australians, despise local councils and if they know the truth, they will not allow them to continue, as law-lax Australians have done since 1988.

   The problem with Commonwealth Law, is that since 1984 the High Court judgement, University of Wollongong v Metwally (1984), ruled that the people's Constitutionally 1901 elected representatives (S. 7 and 24 CACA 1901) are "... artificial entities..." only that represent THE PEOPLE..."

    This means that THE QUEEN (S. 61 CACA 1901), for litigation purposes that require a PERSON ONLY, to litigate proceedings, is the only PERSON authorised by the Constitution 1901, to litigate against the people, who are sovereign also, as ruled many times by the High Court.

    Even if the Queen decided to litigate against the People regarding asbestos issues, the High Court's Plenty v Dillon HC (1991), has ORDERED, that neither the Queen, nor her representative (the Governor General), or the Court's Ordered Sheriff, cannot enter private property without permission, unless it is to ARREST for imprisonment, a felon. There is no sanction by High Court ORDERS, to remove property for the purpose of Parliament "confiscation", by the Sheriff of the Queen, but only to remove a PERSON.

    If asbestos issues became a criminal offence, the Constitution 1901 ORDERS (pursuant to "Metwally" HC (1984), that a trial can only be by a Constitutionally compliant JURY, according to the Schedule and 
S. 25, S. 34 (ii), and S. 42 CACA 1901, (without a judge), pursuant to S. 80 CACA 1901, as should occur now.

    All criminal trials that have occurred since 1901, with a JUDGE, have been TREASON (S. 24AA (1) (a)(i) 1914 Crimes Act), against the Constitution 1901, and all those imprisoned since 1901 on any law except Commonwealth Law are also in TREASON to S. 120 CACA 1901.

    Because the High Court ruled in "Metwally" HC (1984), that all elected representatives are "... artificail entities ..." only, those they employ have the same status, so they cannot litigate against the people of the Constitution 1901. If they try to get around this "artificial entity" status ORDER of the "Metwally" HC (1984), and register as a business, (ABN status on council's and State Parliament's correspondence denotes this status) ; they are immediately outside the S. 51 Powers of the Parliament CACA 1901, which are EXCLUSIVE (S. 52 CACA 1901), to the Constitution's Parliament 1901, so cannot be given to a registered business with a name that deceives the people they are a "Parliament". The media and Telstra, tells us they are a "government", as local councils do, which is False Advertising.

    If anyone is naive enough to believe solicitors will advise you according to your "Constitutional RIGHT to ignore INVALID LEGISLATION", as ordered by the "Metwally" HC (1984), think again. The Land and Environment Court was enacted by the "State Parliament" especially for the benefit of local councils, and their solicitors in NSW alone, cream off from their hapless victims ; fees and charges of at least $6 MILLION DOLLARS, every year.
     Is it any wonder there is no money to build houses etc., and PERMANENT Homelessness is increasing alarmingly as a social problem.
    The following describes the procedure that a victim of asbestos will be subjected to:
      a)  A "Closing Order" will be put on the premises  making it a "criminal offence" to live there.

      b)  This cannot be appealed, until all the demanded works in the "Closing Order" are done

      c)   The only time an Appeal can be made is if a "Demolition Order" is placed on the building. This may take years, and in the meantime, you will be homeless, or your business destroyed. (This will give the office staff guaranteed employment, but the road workers will be sacked for "lack of money".

    My UNE BA Degree includes majors in Town Planning, Principles, Policies and Practice.
                                                          What To Do???

1.    Protect your fully enclosed property from unauthorised entry with a sign "This Property is Protected from TRESPASS by ORDER of the People's Constitutional Court, the High Court's Plenty v Dillon (1991) ruling. The Sheriff nor police may Break and Enter unless The QUEEN is a party to arrrest me for a Criminal Offence Trial.

2.    I do not give my permission for entry by any person, because I am not a felon wanted for trial by the Queen, and I claim my RIGHT to IGNORE INVALID "legislation"  by ORDER of the High Court in "Metwally" HC (1984).

    The Commonwealth Parliament cannot overturn, overthrow, or "legislate" against Constitutionally 1901 compliant Orders from the High Court. Only the CACA 1901 compliant PEOPLE of Australia, with a
S. 128 National Referendum CACA 1901, have the RIGHT to do this.

    The time for obedience of the PEOPLE"S CONSTITUTION 1901, by the Public SERVANTS of Australia, who are to WORK FOR US, knowing their place, Keeping OUR LAW, and prosecuted and imprisoned when they break our LAW, is LONG overdue.