What does "The Constitutional Right to Ignore Invalid Legislation" mean?
The valid legislation is found in the words of Clause 5 of the Preamble of the Constitution 1901 (CACA 1901):
" ... This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth, shall be binding on the Courts, judges and people of every state and of every part of the Commonwealth ... and all the laws of the Commonwealth shall be in force on all British ships ...".
Section 1 CACA 1901
"... The legislative power of the Commonwealth shall consist of the Queen, " (S. 61 CACA 1901) "... a Senate" (S. 7 CACA 1901), " ... and a House of Representatives" (S. 24 CACA 1901) "... and which is hereinafter called "The Parliament" or the "Parliament of the Commonwealth".
(NB No ""state" parliaments are included in this legislative power since 1901).
The "Commonwealth" was declared to be a PEOPLE of the colonies who united under a Federal Commonwealth as declared in Clause 3 Preamble CACA 1901. Clause 6 Preamble CACA 1901 declares "the Commonwealth" (of united PEOPLE) "to be the meaning of the word "Commonwealth" and the "States" shall mean the colonies ...". The colonies never had any legislative powers or "state" Constitutions ; their legislation came from the U.K. Parliament, being administrative personal only. The Governors of the colonies represented the Queen and gave the colonial administrators, the force of the Queen's army, to enforce the law of the U.K. Parliament in the colonies.
These colonial administrators were mostly Oligarch's from England, and their arrogance and corruption almost lost the colonies to Britain by the Rum Rebellion and the Eureka Stockade, (to name a few).
The legislation of the U.K. Parliament prior to 1901, was retained by the Constitution 1901 in Section 108, and was protected from being changed by a corrupt parliament, by S. 128 CACA 1901, which gave the power of change of laws, to THE PEOPLE only, exclusively (S. 52 CACA 1901), as the seat of power (S. 125 CACA 1901).
To remove the corrupt "police" forces, that outlawed Ned Kelly and others like him, The Constitution 1901 S. 114, ORDERS that
"A state shall not, without the consent of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, raise or maintain any naval or military force...".
We know the consent of "the Parliament of the Commonwealth" has not been obtained for this, because the Constitution 1901 has ORDERED since 1901 that Section 119 CACA 1901, shall provide the states with protection from invasion and domestic violence under the control of Section 68 CACA 1901, and for all civil servants appointment and removal since 1901 was to be under the exclusive (S. 52 CACA 1901), control of the Governor-General in Council (S. 62 CACA 1901), as ORDERED since 1901 by S. 67 Constitution 1901, as the seat of power (S. 125 CACA 1901).
The Rule of Law says that if you do not obey the Constitution 1901, you are a TRAITOR (Section 24 AA (1) (a) (i) 1914 Crimes Act), so does the FACT of the existence of "state" colonial Oligarch parliaments since 1901, prove that TREASON is rampant against the PEOPLE of Australia since 1901, despite the states being "SUBJECT TO THE CONSTITUTION 1901" by S. 106 and 107 CACA 1901 since 1901???.
Section 70 removed the Governor of the colonies (that were the Queen's representatives), in 1901, so why are the PEOPLE tolerating the continued presence of these TRAITORS since 1901???
Since the "states Parliaments" are in total control of education in Australia since 1901, is complete ignorance of the PEOPLE'S Constitution 1901, in their vested interests????
Knowledge is power, as these TRAITORS well know, and our ignorance makes the PEOPLE their slaves.
Is it time to reverse this situation of ignorance and return to the PEOPLE the seat of Power (S. 125 CACA 1901) given to the PEOPLE by ORDER of the PEOPLE's Constitution 1901, SINCE 1901?????.
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The Application to the Governor-General enclosed to prorogue the state parliaments and their local councils pursuant to s.109 Constitution 1901 is because the High Courts Metwally (1984) ORDERED in 1984, that S.109 CACA 1901, has always destroyed state parliament law since 1901 by S. 109 and 70 of the Constitution 1901, and Constitutional 1901 High Court compliant orders must be obeyed. Solicitors wont tell you, they are making money out of this system of treasonous cruelty. The High Court cannot prorogue the state parliaments. The Governor General, and the Queen do though. One person will be ignored. But the voices of many won't be. Clause 5 Preamble demands obedience by The Queen and the Governor General as well as us.
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