Thursday, 26 December 2013

                                Why is the Queen in Australia's Constitution 1901??.

The reason the Queen is in Australia's Constitution 1901 is because Clause 1 Preamble Constitution (CACA 1901), says
    "Whereas the People ... humbly relying on the blessings of Almighty God ...".
  When GOD chose David to be King over His people, He promised it would be an eternal throne.
    When Christ announced the utter destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 23 and 24, it occurred in AD 70, by the Roman Army.
    It is claimed that Christ grew up in England as a teenager, with his uncle Joseph of Aramathea, hence his statement in John 10
    "... Other sheep I have which are not of this fold ...".   This is why King David's flag showing his harp and the lions of Judah, now flies over England, or wherever the Queen is in residence.
   To acknowledge that Australia accepts God's appointed King/Queen, and we wish to have His blessings in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 (and not His curses), is the reason why the Queen is a member of our Parliament (Section 1 CACA 1901), and our Head of State (Section 61 CACA 1901), because the SECULAR English Dictionary, as the language of LAW says of God
    "... Supreme being, creator and ruler of the Universe ; God the Father, Son, Holy Ghost persons of the Trinity ...".
    The Queen is in our Parliament to advise and uphold God's Law in the making of legislation (as described in Section 61 CACA  1901) for the People, because God says "The LAW is Man's LIFE" as stated in Matthew 19:17 ; Leviticus 18:5, so we can obtain God's blessings as ORDERED by Clause 1 Preamble Constitution 1901.
    This is why all legislation of the Parliament (Section 58, 59 & 60 CACA 1901), must have the Queen's Assent, because she represents Almighty God, as stated in Revelation 1:8.  She is crowned, not in the Parliament, but in God's Church, as was King David, and she has King David's flag, of David's harp and the Lion's of Judah, to prove her inherited connection.
    No other person's can qualify for this role ; it was appointed by God centuries ago, just as Christ was.
  We celebrate Christmas to prove our acceptance of God, as does the SECULAR English Dictionary, which is OUR language of Law.
    Mankind has been made King's and Priests unto God, as informed by Revelation 1:6, and this Sovereignty was given to mankind as a Law, as Luke 2:23 informs.
    This is the reason why the Australia's High Court has ruled in many judgments that the People are Sovereign, and the reason for Section 128 Constitution 1901 Referendums, to give the PEOPLE the final say over the Parliament and the Queen in matters of legislation, to be enacted by the Parliament.
   The inclusion of "the blessings of Almighty God" in Clause 1 Preamble CACA 1901, also explains why the school curriculum includes as compulsery, instructions to study the Bible.
   Neither the Bible nor God are a religion, as stated by the SECULAR English Dictionary. The Bible is an historic account of mankind, as well as containing God's Law. It is not possible to live life LAWFULLY and be IGNORANT, any more than it is possible to live a healthy lifestyle and be ignorant of what is involved in being healthy. There are rules or "laws" that apply to both.
    The only reason the People's role is not enacted at the moment, is because the PEOPLE do not know their Constitution 1901.  

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The Application to the Governor-General enclosed to prorogue the state parliaments and their local councils pursuant to s.109 Constitution 1901 is because the High Courts Metwally (1984) ORDERED in 1984, that S.109 CACA 1901, has always destroyed state parliament law since 1901 by S. 109 and 70 of the Constitution 1901, and Constitutional 1901 High Court compliant orders must be obeyed. Solicitors wont tell you, they are making money out of this system of treasonous cruelty. The High Court cannot prorogue the state parliaments. The Governor General, and the Queen do though. One person will be ignored. But the voices of many won't be. Clause 5 Preamble demands obedience by The Queen and the Governor General as well as us.
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