The articles from the newspaper (enclosed) "Doomed from the Start", show I went to jail based not on THE LAW of Australia, but Slander and GOSSIP from the "Local Councils" supported by the newspapers.. The newspaper articles also show the neighbours in Tamworth were enlisted to "rubbish us" as well.
Local councils are given Hundreds of Millions of dollars, every year, and do not pay tax on it, to assist the Disabled and their Carers.
How are the local council's assisting the Disabled, Carers, Elderly, and the poor???. The newspaper articles and other documents in this Blog, display, for all to see, the PREJUDICED, cruel diabolically vicious malice, this organisation uses that money to treat other human beings with, just on the basis we are not as rich as they are, so we do not have any right to have anything else but a life on the street. PERMANENTLY.
This is proof beyond reasonable doubt that "judicial orders", are being used to overthrow our Constitution 1901. The New South Wales Attorney-General's Written Submissions (disclosed in the documents), shows this Treason is being authorised from the very top by the "State Parliament" Attorney-General's, against S.128 National Referendum CACA 1901 ORDERS against "local council governments" establishment and continuance, since 1988.
The judiciary and court staff, by TREASON, are giving local councils recognition, and overthrowing the authority of the People's Constitution's 1901 Referendum, which has banned their existence, as a part of the Parliament, as well as a business.
to local council government's since 1988.
We said "NO" to them being given ANY MONEY WHATSOEVER, from the Consolidated Revenue of the Federal Parliament (S.81, 82 and 83, CACA 1901), with a S.128 CACA 1901 Referendum in 1974.
The contents of this Blog explains why the people of Australia, have excluded this organisation any existence in Australia, under all circumstances.
The reasoning in J Biscoe's judgement, and the NSW A-G's Written Submissions, make no reference to Commonwealth Law, nor the Constitution 1901, to justify their statements made to the Court, that Cl.5 Preamble CACA 1901, that ORDERS OBEDIENCE, without excuse, is to be ignored, in preference to other "judicial" proceedings, that "authorised" Treason, against the Constitution 1901.