Sample letters to send to the Governor General of Australia and the Queen, to sack public servants, including the judges, (the judges are employed and appointed by the Governor General.
They are not appointed by "state parliaments". No-one is appointed by "state parliaments" because they do not have a Queen's representative for their parliaments. Prior to 1901, Australia was a Colony of England, before the People's Constitution 1901, was enacted, and the Governors of the Colonies of Australia, were removed by Section 70 of the Constitution 1901, to ONE Queen's representative, which is the Governor General.
Without the People's Constitution 1901, Australia would still be a Colony of the United Kingdom.
This makes the claims of the State Parliaments, to be states in their own right, having their own Constitutions, to be a constitutional lie.
The People's Constitution 1901 only, changed Australia from being "colonies" of the United Kingdom, that enacted UK laws, to having our own laws enacted by our own parliament (Section 1 Constitution 1901).
Ignorance of our Constitution is the only reason TREASON is so rampant in Australia. There is no knowledge in the population, of our Constitution 1901, that is so necessary for checks and balances, to assist The Queen and the Governor General, to uphold the laws of the Constitution 1901, as stated in Section 61 CACA 1901, when the judges will not do so.
Clause 5 of the Preamble of the Constitution 1901, ORDERS that it is a binding duty on everyone, to be interested in achieving this protection of the laws, for the "Peace, order and Good government of the Commonwealth" as ordered by the "Exclusive Powers of the Parliament" as stated in Section 52 CACA 1901.
These orders of the Constitution 1901 cannot support the Australian's attitude "she'll be right , mate". Both sections demand constant vigilance by everyone.
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The Application to the Governor-General enclosed to prorogue the state parliaments and their local councils pursuant to s.109 Constitution 1901 is because the High Courts Metwally (1984) ORDERED in 1984, that S.109 CACA 1901, has always destroyed state parliament law since 1901 by S. 109 and 70 of the Constitution 1901, and Constitutional 1901 High Court compliant orders must be obeyed. Solicitors wont tell you, they are making money out of this system of treasonous cruelty. The High Court cannot prorogue the state parliaments. The Governor General, and the Queen do though. One person will be ignored. But the voices of many won't be. Clause 5 Preamble demands obedience by The Queen and the Governor General as well as us.
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